Remembrance Day 2012 ~ Wreaths ~

Below is the content of a letter sent to Secretaries and Scribes on the 18th September 2012
with regard to the provision of West Lancashire Mark Wreaths for Remembrance Day.
The Letter is penned by V.W. Bro. Michael J Clarke, Asst Provincial Grand Master. P.G.J.O.
September 18th 2012.
Dear Sir and Brother
On behalf of our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Peter Connolly I write in connection
with poppy wreaths and Remembrance Sunday. Last year throughout the Province thirty wreaths
were laid on behalf of the Mark Province of West Lancashire.
Our Provincial Grand Master believes that it is very worthwhile to support the Institution of
Remembrance Sunday either officially with Lodges being involved in the parade or at the end of the
official wreath laying when other organisations/individuals are asked if anyone else wishes to lay a wreath.
The following does NOT apply to the Craft (where different rules apply), however in the Mark degree
our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master has given a dispensation for brethren to wear collars
(particularly the Masters collar), or chains IF THEY SO WISH. The wearing of aprons in public is not
approved. This dispensation applies to Remembrance Sunday parades only. (The Provincial Grand
Secretary will consider any other requests)
It is hoped, by our Provincial Grand 'Master, that eventually all Lodges will be represented at the
Remembrance services throughout the West Lancashire Mark Province and to this aim we have this
year ordered forty off wreaths with centre bosses showing "West Lanes Mark Masonry" in anticipation
of a greater uptake.
These will be available via an application to your Special Representative on a first come first served
basis with all costs being borne by the Provincial Charities. It is intended that the wreaths will be
distributed at the Mark Ball on the 27th of October 2012.
The executive would be pleased to receive any feedback as to the number of Lodges participating,
the venues covered and any photographs suitable for inclusion in the Provincial newsletter. Will you
also arrange to update the Mark Provincial web site with your own report and photographs if they
are available.
To all Secretaries, Scribes &
Special Representatives

Dear Sir and Brother,
Remembrance Sunday

Yours sincerely and fraternally
V.W.Bro Michael J Clarke P.G.J.O.
Assistant Provincial Grand Master.